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Metal Lyrics: Lobotomy (Sepultura) - teksty piosenek | muzyka | music

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  Strona główna Metal Lyrics

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Wszystkie odsłony: 12 284 165

  Inne utwory Sepultura z albumu Beneath The Remains:
1. Inner Self (2 494)
2. Hungry (2 437)
3. Lobotomy (2 394)
4. Mass Hypnosis (2 187)
5. Beneath The Remains (2 123)
6. Sarcastic Existence (1 808)
7. Stronger Than Hate (1 803)
8. Slaves Of Pain (1 795)
9. Primitive Future (1 741)

Inne albumy zespołu Sepultura:
1. Against (11 piosenek)
2. Arise (9 piosenek)
3. Bestial Devastation (5 piosenek)
4. Chaos A.D. (11 piosenek)
5. Morbid Visions (8 piosenek)
6. Roots (13 piosenek)
7. Schizophrenia (6 piosenek)

  E-mail: lyrics@metallyrics.pl
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Sepultura > Beneath The Remains > Lobotomy

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i've seen you fighting through the time
i've followed your steps full of pain
unnamed hero that's challenged the human ego
victim of cowardice
of strong manipulation
a system that was made to lie and to deceive
screams of agony
satisfy the proud
but these screams still echo in side the conscience
contradiction, aggression, desolation, illusion
nonconformity takes my mind
too much injustice to forget so fast
my disgust is greater than my compassion
feel the pain upon my final hour
self-blame can't hurt me
eye for an eye
you receive your just reward
now I'll live my life with indifference
i've tortured without remorse
i've slaughtered without fear
brain killing brain
brain killing brain
brain killing brain
brain killing brain

(przeczytano 2 393 razy)
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