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Metal Lyrics: Enslaved by Princiles (Source Of Tide) - teksty piosenek | muzyka | music

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  Strona główna Metal Lyrics

  1. Nothing Else Matters ( 217 157)
2. Dzień dobry kocham cię ( 134 912)
3. The Unforgiven (95 456)
4. Enter Sandman (92 015)
5. Decade of Therion (73 520)
6. Noce Szatana (40 405)
7. Nie wszystko co pozytywne jest legalne (36 641)
8. Wherever I May Roam (36 016)
9. Sad But True (33 959)
10. Sztuczne oddychanie (28 696)
Wszystkie odsłony: 12 251 728

  Inne utwory Source Of Tide z albumu Blueprints:
1. Revolt Future (2 255)
2. Decleration (2 147)
3. Tales of Fruition (1 980)
4. Humanism (1 964)
5. Serenade of Silence (1 964)
6. Static Development (1 904)
7. Enslaved by Princiles (1 890)
8. Bravery 1999 (1 860)
9. Ruins of Beauty (1 834)
10. Revolt Future (1 828)
11. Bravery 2000 (1 824)
12. Static Development (1 801)
13. Humanism (1 786)
14. The Retaliation of a Misanthrope (1 770)
15. Decleration (1 767)
16. Serenade of Silence (1 753)
17. Bravery 1999 (1 743)
18. Bravery 2000 (1 732)
19. Tales of Fruition (1 708)
20. Ruins of Beauty (1 700)
21. ...Remembrance (1 673)
22. Blueprint... (1 657)
23. ...Remembrance (1 638)
24. Enslaved by Princiles (1 616)
25. Blueprint... (1 567)

Inne albumy zespołu Source Of Tide:
1. Ruins Of Beauty (16 piosenek)

  E-mail: lyrics@metallyrics.pl
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Source Of Tide > Blueprints > Enslaved by Princiles

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Aftermath. Nobody turn their pages.
Just wandering on, without renewal.
Who dares to step further into the future?
Nobody takes the step into the new world.

After zero, no murders appear.
After zero, no minds at ease.
After zero, pleasure's gone.

Future is futile. What's beyond
Scares more than human stagnation.
We're enslaved by principles of the
Present and past. Stop your resistance
And walk beyond dignity.

After zero, no murders appear.
After zero, no minds at ease.
After zero, pleasure's gone.

(przeczytano 1 889 razy)
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