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Metal Lyrics: Dead Embryonic Cells (Sepultura) - teksty piosenek | muzyka | music

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  Strona główna Metal Lyrics

  1. Nothing Else Matters ( 217 187)
2. Dzień dobry kocham cię ( 134 949)
3. The Unforgiven (95 483)
4. Enter Sandman (92 044)
5. Decade of Therion (73 544)
6. Noce Szatana (40 428)
7. Nie wszystko co pozytywne jest legalne (36 681)
8. Wherever I May Roam (36 043)
9. Sad But True (33 977)
10. Sztuczne oddychanie (28 716)
Wszystkie odsłony: 12 284 144

  Inne utwory Sepultura z albumu Arise:
1. Arise (4 197)
2. Dead Embryonic Cells (2 319)
3. Murder (2 284)
4. Desperate Cry (2 228)
5. Subtraction (2 166)
6. Altered State (2 147)
7. Under Siege ( Regnum Irae ) (2 115)
8. Infected Voice (2 075)
9. Meaningless Movements (2 007)

Inne albumy zespołu Sepultura:
1. Against (11 piosenek)
2. Beneath The Remains (9 piosenek)
3. Bestial Devastation (5 piosenek)
4. Chaos A.D. (11 piosenek)
5. Morbid Visions (8 piosenek)
6. Roots (13 piosenek)
7. Schizophrenia (6 piosenek)

  E-mail: lyrics@metallyrics.pl
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Sepultura > Arise > Dead Embryonic Cells

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land of anger
i didn't ask to be born
sadness, sorrow
everything so alone

laboratory sickness
infects humanity
no hope for cure
die by technology

a world full of shit coming down
tribal violence everywhere
life in the age of terrorism
we spit in your other face

war of races
world without intelligence
a place consumed by time
end of it all

we're born with pain
no more we're dead
embryonic cells

corrosion inside -- we feel
condemned future -- we see
emptiness calls -- we hear
final premonition -- the truth

land of anger
i didn't ask to be born
sadness, sorrow
everything so alone

laboratory sickness
infects humanity
no hope for cure
die by technology

we're born with pain
suffer remains
we're born with pain
suffer remains
we're dead

(przeczytano 2 318 razy)
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