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Metal Lyrics: Release (Anathema) - teksty piosenek | muzyka | music

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  Strona główna Metal Lyrics

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Wszystkie odsłony: 12 223 445

  Inne utwory Anathema z albumu A Fine Day To Exit:
1. Temporary Peace (4 268)
2. Release (2 790)
3. Pressure (2 640)
4. Looking Outside Inside (2 560)
5. Leave No Trace (2 541)
6. A Fine Day To Exit (2 368)
7. Panic (2 341)
8. Underworld (2 330)
9. Barriers (2 289)
10. In The Dog's House (2 082)

Inne albumy zespołu Anathema:
1. All Faith Is Lost - demo (4 piosenek)
2. Alternative 4 (10 piosenek)
3. An Iliad Of Woes - demo (4 piosenek)
4. Eternity (10 piosenek)
5. Judgement (11 piosenek)
6. Pentecost Iii (9 piosenek)
7. Resonance (14 piosenek)
8. Resonance 2 (12 piosenek)
9. Serenades (7 piosenek)
10. The Crestfallen (5 piosenek)
11. The Silent Enigma (8 piosenek)
12. We Are The Bible (2 piosenek)

  E-mail: lyrics@metallyrics.pl
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Anathema > A Fine Day To Exit > Release

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Seeing is believing but I don't wanna know
Walk on through the wasteland I just can't let go
Face down I just break down when I see you cry all the time
Hold on please behind those grey and lonely eyes
Hold on to me unforgotten by time
Tempt fate release reality is dawning escape
Someone now is screaming as the flames fly high
Think now that we're lost here and we don't know why
Face down I just break down when I see you cry all the time
Hold on please behind those grey and lonely eyes
Hold on release unforgotten by time
Tempt fate release reality is dawning escape
Our spirit is awakening
Hold on please and somewhere in the hurricane
Hold on to me hope is waiting
Tempt fate {crying in the distance} release escape
And calling out your name

(przeczytano 2 789 razy)
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