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Metal Lyrics: A Fine Day To Exit (Anathema) - teksty piosenek | muzyka | music

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  Strona główna Metal Lyrics

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Wszystkie odsłony: 12 223 439

  Inne utwory Anathema z albumu A Fine Day To Exit:
1. Temporary Peace (4 268)
2. Release (2 789)
3. Pressure (2 640)
4. Looking Outside Inside (2 560)
5. Leave No Trace (2 541)
6. A Fine Day To Exit (2 368)
7. Panic (2 341)
8. Underworld (2 330)
9. Barriers (2 289)
10. In The Dog's House (2 082)

Inne albumy zespołu Anathema:
1. All Faith Is Lost - demo (4 piosenek)
2. Alternative 4 (10 piosenek)
3. An Iliad Of Woes - demo (4 piosenek)
4. Eternity (10 piosenek)
5. Judgement (11 piosenek)
6. Pentecost Iii (9 piosenek)
7. Resonance (14 piosenek)
8. Resonance 2 (12 piosenek)
9. Serenades (7 piosenek)
10. The Crestfallen (5 piosenek)
11. The Silent Enigma (8 piosenek)
12. We Are The Bible (2 piosenek)

  E-mail: lyrics@metallyrics.pl
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Anathema > A Fine Day To Exit > A Fine Day To Exit

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Long way from home, nowhere to go
What made the river so cold?
The sweat of thoughts trickle down my brow
Soaking and stinging my eye
You gotta face it head on
So you can turn this thing around
Cos this ain't right
Tell tale sighs and cries of dreams unfulfilled
And time is running, running dry
Panic stricken bloodshot hearts
Try to restart
But no longer build the well to survive
Sweet oblivion
You gotta face it head on
So you can turn this thing around
Cos this ain't right
I got these feelings and I don?t know why
I see all my fears in the darkness of light
What made the river so cold?
Never anyone to rearrange and fall to
Time inside the empty
Call to the blameless I am faithless
Placid dying eyes
You gotta face it head on
So you can?t turn this thing around
Cos this ain?t right
You have to go eye to eye
Raise your face to the sky
Cos this ain?t right
I got to believe when I say
Only this is the way

(przeczytano 2 367 razy)
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